Drilling Into DRLL’s Top 10 Holdings: A Woke Analysis


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Jun 05, 2024

Drilling Into DRLL’s Top 10 Holdings: A Woke Analysis

On August 10, 2022, Strive Asset Management launched “Strive U.S. Energy ETF” (DRLL). Just two weeks later on August 24 it already an impressive $268.45 million in assets under management. Strive was

On August 10, 2022, Strive Asset Management launched “Strive U.S. Energy ETF” (DRLL). Just two weeks later on August 24 it already an impressive $268.45 million in assets under management. Strive was founded by the now well-known and ever visible anti-ESG/anti-Woke Mr. Vivek Ramaswamy and the less publicly exposed Mr. Anson Frericks. Licking its chops, an August 15 editorial in The Wall Street Journal, “The ESG Investing Backlash Has Arrived,” enthused that, “the Strive model is notable because it says it will use shareholder engagement and proxy voting to impress a non-ESG policy on companies.”

The tag line for Strive is “Excellence over politics.” (Couldn’t agree more but want to note that cuts both ways, Right and Left.) Their grave concern is that the world’s largest asset managers are telling America’s public companies to adopt divisive social and political agendas that most Americans disagree with.” (No data are cited for how these asset managers are doing this or that most Americans disagree with these agendas.) They take “their fiduciary duty to their clients seriously” (so no different than any other asset manager because that’s the law). They do not exclude “’’bad-acting’ companies” (not sure what that means), “Because we believe in engagement over divestment” (I couldn’t agree more with this as well, which is also the case of the vast majority of asset managers unless given a specific client mandate).

Pila, Italy - May 28, 2011: George Orwell 1984 book macro, Italian version published by Oscar ... [+] Mondadori (red logo on top).

All good on my end so far until we get to, “We aim to maximize the value of our clients’ investments by depoliticizing corporate America. Strive hopes that this will also create a more unified private sector that brings together individuals of all backgrounds and beliefs to work together to improve the lives of their customers and shareholders.” This is positively Orwellian. It is depoliticization through politicization. It is imputing a political and social agenda to investors who, from a fiduciary duty perspective, believe that climate change poses a risk to the long-term returns of their portfolio companies.

Their own political views are clear In the marketing video for DRLL, the articulate and earnest Mr. Ramaswamy makes some bold claims, like the largest asset managers in the world are “using your investments to tell American energy companies to produce less oil and to frack for less natural gas.” (Since Mr. Ramaswamy obviously isn’t in any of these private meetings, I wonder what evidence he has for this? Have they produced some public statements to this effect?) But let’s roll with this for a moment. The result is “a generational energy crisis, high gas prices and, worst of all, less successful energy companies.” (The energy crisis is a lot more complicated than this [think Russia’s invasion of Ukraine], gas prices are going down, the stock prices of oil and gas companies are at or near their all-time highs, and the companies themselves are limiting production in order to ensure dividends and pursue share buybacks.)

There’s good news in his video as well! Together as shareholders we can fix this problem, “by mandating them to drill more, to frack more, to do whatever allows them to be more profitable over the long run without worrying about these toxic political agendas in the boardroom.” (Let me point that it’s not the job of shareholders to be “mandating” how an energy company should be allocating its capital between drilling, investing in renewable energy, dividends, and share buybacks. That’s a management decision. Ramaswamy just has a different political and social agenda.) Of course, “the way to do this is by buying DRLL.” And in his uplifting closing epiphany delivered in a strong tone with a stern look, Mr. Ramaswamy soars on his words of “It’s time to drill again.” (Nicely illustrating the clever name of the ETF.) “Thanks a lot and join the movement.” (As a child of the ‘60s I couldn’t help but notice the ironic and perhaps Freudian slip in asking us to “join the movement.”)

Young woman with a raised fist protesting in the street

It’s easy for any of us to get a bit carried away with our marketing, so let’s look more closely at the substance of DRLL. There is a clear investment thesis (“We believe the United States is poised for a ‘Great Reversal’ between the U.S. energy sector and U.S. technology sector. U.S. energy stocks have room to appreciate 2x3x in value over the next 12-24 months.” This is supported by fundamental and technical analysis. The Prospectus is well-written and in language accessible to the retail investor. DRILL is a passive strategy with a reasonable 0.41 percent management fee. The Fact Sheet shows a heavy concentration in oil and gas (76.8 percent) with another 22.9 percent in pipelines, oil and gas services, electric, gas, building materials, and machinery. And in a small tip o’ the hat to the energy transition there is 0.3 percent in solar.

Table 1 shows DRLL’s top 10 holdings, along with their market cap, as of August 23, 2022. The top two companies account for over a third of the portfolio. The total market cap of all 10 is $1,267 trillion, just below Amazon’s of $1,368 trillion. If ExxonMobil hits the high end of the 2x3 multiple, it alone would be just below Amazon. But if the investment thesis is correct and there is a rotation away from tech stocks to energy stocks, ExxonMobil’s market cap will be higher, perhaps much higher, than Amazon’s. I am not a professional asset manager, so I don’t really have a view on how likely this is to happen.

DRLL's Top 10 Holdings

It is not my place to question the merits of DRLL as an investment opportunity. My focus is a different one, this claim by Strive that it is taking the politics out of investing by “mandating” companies to focus on profitability in support of “Excellence Capitalism” rather than all of that ESG/Woke political and social stuff Mr. Ramaswamy is so concerned about. Here I pose the question: Just how does an investor know whether a company is pursuing Excellence Capitalism or pursuing a political and social agenda, either because it wants to or because those evil large asset managers are forcing it to?

Lacking Mr. Ramaswamy’s fertile imagination, I am reduced to dealing with data and facts. For this I conducted a “Woke Analysis” of DRLL’s top 10 holdings. I wanted to do this very carefully since I’m sure he views me as on the Woke side (and he’s right about this.) Table 2 presents the high-level results. Every single one of these companies has a sustainability page prominently displayed on the home page of its corporate website, as well as a sustainability report. San Antonio-based Valero Energy even calls it an “ESG Report.” Since a recent Republican Study Committee memo explained that “ESG refers to the progressive scheme through which the Left pressures corporate America to take positions on social and political issues that have nothing to do with business” I would assume they are concerned that the board and senior executives at Valero aren’t properly minding the store.

The RSC should feel the same about all the other holdings since every single one of these companies discusses ESG. ExxonMobil and EOG Resources, both based in Houston, have even organized their sustainability reports in terms of ESG, something that must be of concern to Texas comptroller, Glenn Hegar who has gone to war with BlackRock and other asset managers over ESG. Even worse, all 10 companies discuss their contribution to the U.N.’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Chevron and Schlumberger do an especially nice job of this. ESG critics on the left object to it because it’s only about what matters to value creation for shareholders. They much prefer the SDGs because these are about making the world a better place—even if that’s bad for shareholders (although it doesn’t necessarily have to be.)

Sustainability Overview for DRLL's Top 10 Holdings

The ESG culture wars are centered on climate change and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I). Table 3 reports the results on climate change. Every single company acknowledges that climate change is real and reports on Scope 1 and 2 emissions. The big issue for this sector is Scope 3, the emissions that come from the use of its products. This is a highly contentious topic since these are hard to measure and energy companies have limited control over the design of products which use their products as input, but Scope 3 accounts for between 80 to 90 percent of their emissions. Nevertheless, Exelon, ConocoPhillips, Chevron, Occidental Petroleum (Oxy), Schlumberger, and Marathon report on Scope 3.

Every company acknowledges the importance of getting to net-zero but only Schlumberger (net zero for all scopes by 2050) and Marathon (reduction in Scope 3 of 15 percent by 2030 from a 2019 baseline) give targets for Scope 3. All companies rely to some extent on the framework developed by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Thus, even though some politicians may be denying climate change and others, like Strive, are saying “Drill, baby, drill!” these companies know they need to adapt to the energy transition. Whether they are innovating and transforming in the right way and fast enough is open to debate.

What’s not open to debate is that they need to do this. I have written in detail about how ExxonMobil in approaching this—making progress, in my view, but needs to move faster. There is a fair debate to have about how big the problem is and will be, how urgently it must be addressed and how, the role new technologies can play, what are the various roles of the public and private sector, and how to assess the costs and benefits. Mr. Ramaswamy’s political stance on this is no more productive to this conversation than those who say “Starting today, don’t pull a single more barrel of oil out of the ground.”

And to Mr. Ramaswamy’s claim about asset managers being concerned about “divisive social and political agendas that most Americans disagree with,” according to the Yale Climate Opinion Maps 2021, 72 percent of American adults think global warming is happening, 64 percent think it will harm people in the U.S., and 57 percent think it is mostly caused by human activities. Ah, Mr. Ramaswamy, those inconvenient facts again that don’t align with your fantasy world.

Climate Change Disclosures by DRLL's Top 10 Holdings

DE&I is the other hot button for the anti-ESG/anti-Woke crowd and it is particularly vexing to Mr. Ramaswamy, particularly when diversity is defined in terms of gender and race. (That his first ETF is in the energy sector suggests that a counter-DE&I thesis is a hard one to develop.) The results here are basically the same. While a few companies prefer the term diversity and inclusion (e.g., ExxonMobil and Chevron) and one prefers diversity, inclusion, and belonging (i.e., Oxy), the rest use “DE&I.” Nevertheless, all of them provide statistics on progress made in the percentage of women and minorities in executive positions. (Except for Exelon since it was only separated from Constellation Energy earlier this year).

It is also worth noting that each one makes public its EEO-1 Report. Every company in the U.S. with 100 or more employees must file this annually with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission but there is no requirement to put this report in the public domain. (Schlumberger is not listed in the U.S. but does the equivalent under British and French law.) Chevron’s EEO-1 Report is in the standard format of all of them. It shows the breakdown of the workforce by job category (e.g., professionals, sales workers, and service workers) by gender and within that by race.

It is fair to question whether companies have a clear understanding of what they are trying to accomplish with their DE&I efforts, how effective their efforts are, and how the benefits to employees, customers, and shareholders are being assessed. But it is better to have a constructive debate about this than just take the stance that “DE&I is Woke and un-American.”

Speaking of Americans, and again having the temerity to introduce some data, according to a Taft Communications and Rutgers-Eagleton poll in January of 2022 on racial and gender diversity in the workplace, about half say it’s “very important” and three in 10 say it’s somewhat important. There are admittedly big differences according to political affiliation, gender, and race. For “very important,” the numbers are 63 percent for Democrats, 48 percent for Independents, and 33 percent for Republicans. For women its 58 percent compared to 44 percent for men. Seven-five percent of Black respondents rated it as “very important” compared to 48 percent for White and 49 percent for Hispanic respondents.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusions by DRLL's Top 10 Holdings

The final step in my analysis was to calculate a “Woke Score” for each company on a scale from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). The company got one point for each “Yes” in the criteria assessed above in Tables 2-4. There were a few extenuating circumstances and so the judge (me) had to make a special determination. But it was a completely objective one since I have no economic relationship with any of these companies. I’m thus pleased to report that every single one of Strive’s top 10 holdings got a Perfect 10! Table 5 shows the scores, along with a “Woke Quote” from each company. This is just a choice from me since there were so many excellent examples from each company.

The Woke Quotes in the table are self-explanatory but let me just give a few shout outs for the Wokeness of a few of these companies. Note that ExxonMobil, Chevron, Oxy, Schlumberger, and Exelon want to make the world a better place. What could be more Woke than that? Pioneer’s board of directors explicitly acknowledges “the global threats posed by climate change,” Marathon ties some executive compensation to ESG metrics, and Pioneer boasts about the gender, racial, and ethnic diversity of its board. YIKES, Mr. Ramaswamy!

Overall Wokeness Assessment for DRLL's Top 10 Holdings

This analysis clearly demonstrates that determining whether a company is focused on excellence over wokeness is no simple thing. Given its commitment to engagement, Strive could very well invest in “’bad-acting’ companies,” where bad is defined as being Woke. The question is how one determines the “Wokeness Coefficient” of a company and thus how much work Strive needs to do to correct it from its errant ways.

What does this analysis mean for Strive? In practical terms, there are two ways for them to proceed. The easy way out is to say, “Ah, come on, these are just words. These companies don’t really believe all this malarkey about ESG, climate change, and DE&I. They have simply been pressured by the BlackRocks of the world to say this stuff to keep them off their backs.”

This is a rather cynical view to take. Putting shareholders aside, this means the company is also lying to its employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities in which it operates (yes, stakeholders). And thinking they can get away with it? So, Strive, as long as a company really isn’t Woke, you’re okay investing in a company that lies?

I give these companies more credit than that. Their actions may not always live up to their words, but I’ll take their words as sincere. Oh, and remember that over two-thirds of the top five executives are Republicans and companies have become increasingly polarized in political terms. I’m just guessing but I suspect that with the exception of Schlumberger, these are Republican-dominated companies in both the boardroom and in the executive suite. Yes, I’m a registered Democrat but I don’t think lying is a Republican value.

The alternative is for Strive to use its engagement activities and proxy voting to press its anti-ESG/anti-Woke agenda on these companies. Tell them to quit saying climate change is real and drop this nonsense about talking about net-zero and publishing data on carbon emissions according to the TCFD! Stop talking about DE&I in gender, racial, and ethnic terms, stop bragging about increasing percentages of these groups in top management, and stop publishing those damn EEO-1 reports since you don’t have to! Strive can tell them, “Hey, we’ve got your back, along with other notable anti-Woke critics like Florida Governor Ron DiSantis who is excluding ESG from the state’s pension funds.”

I’d love to be in those meetings to see how their top 10 holdings in DRLL react to this. And also in the meeting when Strive pitches Mr. DiSantis about how well-qualified they are to manage some of Florida’s pension fund money.

Even more can be done for Strive to show they really mean it. File shareholder proposals with each of their top 10 holdings mandating that they stop producing sustainability reports and stop using the term “ESG.” Urge management to support this proposal in their proxy statement. Then let’s see what happens.

their fiduciary duty to their clients seriouslyBecause we believe in engagement over divestment” U.S. energy stocks have room to appreciate 2x3x in value over the next 12-24 months.” every single oneI’m thus pleased to report that every single one of Strive’s top 10 holdings got a Perfect 10!